Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The True Meaning of Easter

Here is a story my sweet daughter wrote, and I thought I would share it word for word in its authentic state.  I realize it is not 100% accurate on a few things, but I know she gets it. I just think it is refreshing to hear the Easter story from the mouth of a 9 year old girl.

The Bunny that Did Not Know
the True Meaning of Easter

By: Kevlie Ann Haas

Once there was this bunny who thought Easter was all about candy. So every year when Easter came his mom would ask him "Peter?, do you know the true meaning of Easter yet?"
Peter would always answer "NO!"

So the time of Easter came and Mrs. Cottontail couldn't take it anymore! She said "Peter, I have had it. Find out what Easter means!" So Peter set off to do so.

He was walking when he saw the old Baptist Church. He saw that Paster Owens had gotten older. He said "Paster Owens, do you remember me?" Paster Owens turned in astonishment "Of course Peter. Can I help you?" "Please...will you tell me the true meaning of Easter?" "Sure. Well it all happened when Jesus went into town riding on a donkey. People were laying there garmets down and shouting "Hosanna, Hosanna in the highest." Jesus went up to a mountain and wept for the people. He knew it was his last week. A couple nights later Jesus gathered all his deciples and had a supper with them he called it The Lord's Supper. He took the bread gave thanks and broke it. He said "Eat this in remembrence of me." The deciples did so. Then Jesus took a cup with wine in it and gave thanks and said drink this in remembrence of me. After the meal Jesus went and prayed out at Mount Olives. He told his deciples to keep watch wile he prayed. Just then Roman guards came and took him to different trials. The last trial was Pilate. People were shouting "Crucify him!" during the trial. So Pilate led Jesus to the Romans and there he got beat up. But that still did not satisfy the crowd. So Pilate lead Jesus away. He carried his own cross to a place called Gethsmane. Before they nailed him they offered him wine mixed with myrrh to help the pain. jesus did not exept. So he got piersed through the feet and wrist. They put a crown of thorns on his head and a sign over him that said: Here is Jesus. The King of the Jews.
There Jesus suffered with one men on either side and them both robbers. They asked Jesus things. In reply he said "Today you will be with me in paradice." On his final breath he cried out in pain to his father, bowed his head and died. Joseph asked for Jesus' body. Pilate said he could have it. He put him in his own new tomb witch he had cut out of rock. Pilate posted guards on the tomb. They guarded.

On the first day of the week Mary Magdaline and the other Mary went to the tomb. It was empty! They were frightened. There was an angel he said "Do not be afraid you are looking for Jesus who has been crucified. HE IS NOT HERE. HE IS RISEN!"
They told the diciples. And he spent forty days with his deciples and went back to heaven. That's the true meaning."

"Thank you Paster Owens" and he ran home and told his mom. "Great." She said and he never forgot the true meaning of Easter.

The End

We just celebrated the most important holiday/event in our Christian faith. Kevlie Ann accepted Jesus in her heart at a very young age. She was baptized last May. She has a maturity beyond her years, and she really keeps me on my toes with all of her questions. Every day last week she would lament on how many days Jesus had to still live. She became more saddened as Thursday approached. She kept reminding me how that was his last day alive. It confuses her as to why the people would shout "Hosanna!" and praise him as he rode in on a donkey and less than a week later shout "Crucify Him!" This really breaks her heart. I love her passion and love for Jesus! I admire it greatly. It constantly reminds me to keep my faith fresh and to always put Him first. Easter eggs and candy are lots of fun, but I am so thankful that I am witnessing my daughter putting things in their proper place.  (Our previous pastor was Pastor Tim Owens.  I thought it was special that she remembered him.)

We celebrate Easter because of His resurrection. His blood was shed so that my sins are forgiven. I do not deserve it, but I need his forgiveness daily. I can live in peace and full of joy knowing that my Saviour loves me and forgives me no matter what. The only way to true peace and joy is through the Son!  I pray that Kevlie Ann's story touches your heart to help you remember the true meaning of Easter.

Only By God's Grace...
Callie Ann

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