Here are some things I am thankful for this week:
- Kevin, or Tekton Renovations I should say, was able to help bless some friends. He helped renovate a garage into a man cave. (By the way, Lisa hates that term.) It was a surprise for Toby, and it was fun to see him enjoy his surprise and new hang out. I think they have been out there almost every night for a week now. It is complete with a frig, tv, and ping pong table. I think Lisa could beat Toby, but he just knows how to get into her head. This reminds me of a Cosby Show episode we watched at dinner tonight on Netflix. (I love Netflix!) It was in the first season and Cliff always loses in chess to his father-in-law because he knows how to get into his head.
- Our adopted college student, Meredith, (I will give our story in another post) who is now married and moved away came to visit us. She came and watched Kevlie Ann's soccer game and hung out with us all day Saturday. Her husband was unable to make this trip; therefore, I went to a wedding with her Saturday night. We had a great girls night out! She spent the night and went to church with us on Sunday morning. We are so blessed when she comes to visit us, and I love how much she loves our family. We love her too!
- I love watching my kids play sports! We watched KK play soccer on Saturday in high winds with blowing sand, and Calvin had a great baseball game on Monday night.
- I had a Mommy first this week!! I have realized now that this is a Baby Mommy First because I know there are so many other firsts that we will experience!
- I was able to go on a Girls Night on Sunday night. This ended up being 2 nights in a row, but I had not been to dinner and movie with these girls since Kylee was born. I am so grateful that I have a husband who loves me and knows I need my girls nights. On Sunday night he gathered them all from church, fed them dinner, and got them all peacefully to bed. Two nights in a row that is. I think they watched the Cosby Show that night as well because they all had stories to tell me the next day. They just do not make family tv like the old days.
- Kevlie Ann was home sick on Tuesday and Wednesday, but I enjoyed her being here. On Wednesday afternoon she was feeling better, and she worked on putting dreads in my hair. It takes a long time to do all of those tiny braids. She only completed the front part of my head. I still had lots of hair left undone. I even went grocery shopping in my dreads! I was not sure I was going to be able to get them all out, but they actually came out a lot faster than it took her to put them in. It resulted in a major frizzy, wavy mess.
- I am grateful that I have a new dryer. I must say that after settling in with it for several days now that my buyer's remorse is quickly fading. It dries so much faster than ol' dryer did, and that must be saving a lot of energy thus lowering the utility bill. It has already successfully done many loads, but I am not completely caught up yet. I also love the extra space it has created in the laundry room. I am still trying to organize and get things all put back in to place. I know it seems like this should be done, but it is really hard with a mobile, wanting to play all the time, 9 month old.
- I am thankful that this Thursday was peaceful. I thought my youngest ones were getting sick. Colton definitely is not, but Kylee had quite the snotty nose and was a little more cranky than usual. I do not think this is teething since the girl already has 6 teeth! She may have a complete mouthful by her 1 year old birthday! While Kylee napped this afternoon we were able to play ball outside with the other kiddos. I am trying to soak in this weather because I know it will be miserable soon, and I will not want to be outside.
- I love this weather!
- I am thankful for how God's Word is being weaved into our hearts and becoming practical in our daily lives!
I think this "manna" is really supposed to be in the form of "Today I am thankful for:" followed by brief statements of gratitude. With my first attempt at this, I realize that mine really became more of a synopsis of my week. I thought I was attempting to be brief, but I failed. I understand there is no right and wrong, but I will try to do better next week. Nevertheless, it was fun thinking about my week in synopsis. It was a good week!
What are you thankful for this week?
I love being reminded of all of the blessings we have and focusing on the good every week. Thank you Erica for your inspiration! You are a blessing and treasure to so many.
Only By God's Grace...
Callie Ann
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