Tuesday, March 8, 2011

A Mento Moment

Where do I begin after a 3 week blog vacation?  I'm not sure.  I kind of feel like I am so behind because I have had so many blogs running through my head that I have not posted.  It is really humbling to have to admit the reason I have not blogged.  I suppose I could go on and pretend that it is all because I just have not had the time to blog or we were too busy, etc.  However, that would fall into the category of lying, which I absolutely abhor.  Furthermore, it would fall into becoming translucent on the verge of opaque, and my goal here is transparency. 

Being self-employed and starting your own company requires a daily stepping out on faith.  Especially with these economic times and during the growing pain beginnings of a new company.  Tough times call for tough decisions.  One of the decisions we made this past month was that there were other bills that were more important for the life of our family than our home internet.  Let's see, like food on the table, gas in the car, diapers for the baby, medicine, electricity...well, I'm sure the picture has been painted.  It even makes it rougher when your chief laborer (aka co-owner) goes down extremely ill for a week.  There is no paid sick time when you are building your own company.   We have learned a lot over the past year and half through the good times and rough times.  As well as the times when you question the Lord and ask if this is really what He wants us to be doing.  I am happy to report that He has repeatedly confirmed that we are following His Will for this time in our lives.  We have also learned that during the good times to never get comfortable and complacent.  We must always be as prepared for what is ahead and that means becoming better stewards of the gifts that we are given. 

Previously, I shared one of the lessons learned during this transition that required major change.  Cooking and eating at home.  I will report that this continues to be a blessing and pure joy to our family.  Everyone does not always love the menu choices, but I am starting to create a growing list of favorites.  There have been other lessons that I am pretty certain will become future blog posts.  It seems that writing this blog is becoming another lesson...a lesson of humility and shedding the false cloak of pride.  This can be painful, but it also so refreshing to be real.  In my study of His Word last week, I blindly came across Hebrews 12 discussing how "the Lord disciplines those he loves" (vs. 6).  I believe that we are being disciplined.

Our fathers disciplined us for a little while as they thought best; but God disciplines us for our good, that we may share in his holiness.  No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful.  Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.
Hebrews 12:10-11

I am going to find the joy (my current theme word) and good in the midst of the discipline, for it is going to produce a harvest of righteousness and peace.  We are in the process of refinement.  We all have heard and know this story of the refining process for precious metals, but they always are so much more beautiful and brilliant in the end.  I have also learned to be content with what I have.  As I read further into the next chapter of Hebrews, the Lord kindly reminded me of that.  It seems that when times are tough, my flesh wants to covet what others have.  It is not that I really want what others have; it is just that I do not want to have to worry about bills.  I must say, though, that when this worry is present or worry about when our next project is going to roll in is when I have to completely rely on my Sustainer.

Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have because God said, "Never will I leave you, never will I forsake you." 
Hebrews 13:5

I am content with what we have.  We are so much better off than so many others and not only in material or monetary ways.  We have known several families in the past few weeks and months that are having to deal with life decisions.  This has really put our current situation into perspective.  I know that several of them would gladly trade places to not have to be facing the tough trials they are dealing with.  What I am going through may be stressful at times, but it is nothing compared to what others are enduring this very moment.  This changes my heart and prayers from a desperate plea and feeling of neediness to a grateful heart full of an over-abundance of blessings that we do not even deserve.  Even with this change of heart, my God is still so good to remind me that after I have suffered a little while, [He] will himself restore me and make me strong, firm and steadfast (1 Peter 5:10).  Now that is pure joy.

Now to lighten it up a bit...
I was unable to post our verse that we began on March 1st for our family scripture memory.  The Lord has now given me quite a list to choose from; however, the decision is never made until that day.  Well, March 1st was a doozy.  It was not a horrible day, but the ending just was not very nice.  This led us to the following verse.  It is a longer one that, to be honest, I can only quote in pieces; however, it is a good one for all of the sibling and daddy/son rivalry we have going on at times.  We still have a week to get it down pat.  (I think we will be writing it several times or making up a song...maybe I will have the kids make up a rap for it.  They would have a lot of fun with that.)

Get rid of all bitterness, rage, and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice.  Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other just as in Christ God forgave you.
Ephesians 4:31-32

I also was going to share our Mento Moment tonight.  Mimi and the kids have been corresponding with one another through the snail mail.  Something about receiving mail as a child just exudes happiness and squealing.  Too bad it does not get to stay this way as an adult; this is just another one of those fringe benefits of being an innocent child.  Mimi has provided the kids with some stamps, and they have just as much fun writing back and getting to walk down to the mailbox to send it off.  They also really enjoy the simple things in life.  In one small package she sent them each a bag of skittles.  They LOVED this!  Tonight, however, all she had with her while she was at the post office was the remnants of her Mento package.  There were 3 left.  She selflessly sent them to Calvin, Kevlie Ann, and Colton.  They were thrilled!  They did not even care that they each only were to receive one mento.  It was perfect timing because we happened to open the mail just before bedtime so to them it was a sweet treat surprise to be consumed before bedtime.  It was so sweet to watch because Calvin passed them out, and they were just kind of staring at them and smiling.  They decided to all eat them together on the count of 3.  One, two, three...they all popped them in their mouths.  A serene, quiet, and content Mento moment commensed.  I was the recipient of 3 minty-fresh goodnight kisses!

Only By God's Grace
Callie Ann

P.S.  Just in case you were wondering...
My facebook posts have been being made from my phone, which is not an efficient blogging apparatus at the moment.


  1. Hi Callie. I really like your blog. What is the business you and Kevin have started?

  2. We started a renovation/remodeling company, and we also do almost any handyman job you can think of. Kevin is so talented and can do almost anything. Our dream is to grow just big enough where we have several crews working, and Kevin gets to work for fun. By that I mean do other jobs for cost for those that need it...like widows, elderly, and veterans. We shall see where God leads us...
