I made stew tonight from the leftover pot roast from last night. So while the stew was stewing, a sweet-tooth was brewing, as well as some tea. The only thing sweet I had to make were some key lime bars which have to set up in the frig for 8 hours. That would just not work. So what is a girl to do? I figured out that I had all of the ingredients to make brownies from scratch! And so I quickly whipped it up which took about the same amount of time as a box recipe. I must add that the stew was delish as well as the homemade brownies!
This is also a day I received my bridesmaid dress in the mail for a wedding the end of May. It is hard to place orders for these types of things after you have had a baby when your size 7 months later can be so different. However, I cannot have sweet-tooths creeping up on me if I expect to be any smaller. The dress works now, but I would like to be even more comfortable. I would like to be more fit. I was well on my way to getting fit and shedding all of the previous remaining baby pounds when I was surprised by my pregnancy with Kylee. That put it all to a grinding halt. It is time to get back into gear! And dang those brownies.
I really love to work out! I do not like to be hot, but I love to sweat! Is that an oxymoron or what? Let me clarify, I love work-out sweat. I do not like the trying to look cute, but not because of sweat. I am not ready for summer, but now I am digressing. The problem is getting back into routine and not allowing me to talk myself out of it. I have been establishing routines for the rest of my life so now it is time to add this in. Kevin and I purchased Insanity back in August with great intentions. We managed to put it off over and over again because...well I am not sure of all of the excuses. I know part of it was lack of sleep, the newborn baby kind, which is a semi-legitimate excuse in my book. I think a bigger part of it was fear of how bad of shape we both truly were in, and knowing that we were going to have to literally go through some growing pains...err, workout pains. We actually did the first day - fit test - two weeks ago, and we were both gasping. We have justified that we were not really in that bad of shape because both us were flu-like sick the rest of that week. Surely we performed badly because of the illness our body was already trying to fight. However, the truth is that we have not turned it on since. Can you say fear...again?
The other part of this equation is that I have had a gym membership that I have paid for all of these months and not used. The waste of money here just drives me crazy. I love going to the gym, and I have friends that I go with. So why have I not gone? Well, here are even more excuses. Childcare. Yes, there is childcare and it is free, but I really do not like the ratio. I also know that Kylee requires attention. In addition, I am also leary of all of the sickness going around right now. I must be such a responsible Mommy to keep my little ones from getting exposed, right? Wow, this is downright comical and prejudice. I take them to church and Bible Study where they can also get just as exposed to illness.
The moral of the story is that I must stop making excuses, pump myself up for no pain, no gain, and get up and get moving. Not only will I get fit, but I will feel so much better in the process. Exercise makes me happy, feel good, have less headaches, and gives me much more energy. So here's to working out like a mad woman and drinking lots of water in the process.
Only By God's Grace
With Much Love,
Callie Ann
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