I have had a migraine for the past 17 hours. This is the third one this week. I have taken meds. I tried to rest this morning. I have managed to be productive today. I made myself go to an Aggie girls basketball game with the family including my parents. This was Kylee's first Aggie game. I went to a celebration of a friend's son who passed away 2 years ago. I thought I would skip the blog post today especially since it does not feel very good to stare at the computer screen. But I cannot sleep. I am thankful that I have been able to function today. Sometimes they are so destructive that I am not productive and, basically, out of commission. I do not remember having migraines until after I was hit by 72 year old woman drunk driver when I was sixteen, and I really did not pinpoint this until I was older. People that do not have migraines cannot truly understand how debilitating and painful they can be. I am okay with that because I am truly thankful that they do not suffer like me and so many others do. I loved being pregnant because I rarely had migraines, and that was bliss.
Kevlie Ann was at a birthday party and sleepover last night. She came home this afternoon and shared with me that she typed on a typewriter for the first time. She showed me her paper she typed. It brought back lots of memories. We had recently had a discussion about typewriters. I told her about the first one we had that had been my Mom's in college. It did not allow for corrections unless you had a correction tape. Then I told her about the new one we got that allowed you to type a line in memory before it would "type" it onto the page so that mistakes could be corrected. As I type this, I am even remembering my typing class in high school. I really respected Mrs. Kelch. She was an older lady that could seem a little stern at times, but she was really a great woman with a lot of history and great stories. She really did have a great passion in making sure we learned how to type well. Thank you Mrs. Kelch. Because of you I am rather speedy on the keyboard. I can remember reciting and typing: aaa (space) sss (space) on and on for each row all as a class. It was actually quite musical in a typing sort of way, and you could always hear when a mistake was made. I am grateful to report that I do not have a major parenting mistake or fail to report today. I am thankful that the Lord is more like a computer than a typewriter. My mistakes can be erased all because of Jesus.
These typewriter memories do not seem like that long ago. Have I really been out of high school for 15 years this May? I always remember adults telling me how fast time flew. I did not believe them because all I remember is how long each school year felt. I remember wanting to be another year older starting around 12 years old. I wanted to be a teenager. Next, I wanted to be in high school. I always wanted the next best thing. Time needed to speed up so I could get my license, graduate high school, go to college, get married, and have kids. However, once I had kids I learned how true the statement "time flies" really is. Each year goes by faster than the last. I must really learn to slow down and enjoy each season of my life especially while all of my children are at home. Before I know it they will be out of the house, and it will never be the same. Sometimes I complain about discipline or wishing a child would grow out of a phase, but I am going to start enjoying the good, the bad, and the ugly before they are all grown up. I do not want to live in regret or wish our lives away.
I remember when the twins were born that I was in survival mode. I did not truly enjoy them as babies. I was always looking for the next best accomplishment that would make life a little easier. I figured this out when Colton came along, and I allowed myself to enjoy each milestone instead of rushing it. Now that Kylee is here, I am cherishing it even more because unless God performs more miracles, I know this will be my last. I actually want everything to slow down, but it only feels like it is going faster. I think it is because we are involved in so many things and constantly on the go.
I am getting older, but I do not want to dwell on that. I believe life can become more fun and rewarding with each year. I would rather live life to the fullest and be joyful as I am called to do rather than the alternative. In order to accomplish a life of joy, I must not worry about tomorrow, and I must cherish the bad times as much as the good times. I know that sounds crazy and may not make much sense to most, but then again, please remember I am suffering from a migraine right now. Forrest Gump said, "Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you are going to get." Many people over the years have used this quote, and it is quite true. You never know what you are going to get. I think helps to explain my theory of living in joy and truly enjoying each step of the journey. The chocolate on the outside is always sweet and tastes great, but sometimes I do not always get my favorite flavor on the inside. I usually go ahead and eat it and the good stuff on the outside makes it okay. Other ones taste great inside and out. For me nothing is better than biting into the coconut ones. Life will not ever be perfect this side of heaven, but I can choose to do my best to not let the imperfect times get me down. Even when I have a migraine.
Only By God's Grace...
With much love and joy,
Callie Ann
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